
Colonoscopy is a medical procedure that examines the colon-also known as the large bowel or large intestine. This procedure can be used to look for diseases of the colon and to help diagnose symptoms such as unexplained diarrhoea or abdominal pain.

During the colonoscopy you will lie on your left side with your knees tucked up to your chest. Your anaesthetist will insert an intravenous line into the back of your hand to provide medication that will put you to sleep during the procedure. The anaesthetist and a nurse will monitor your vital signs and look after you during the procedure. The gastroenterologist will then insert a colonoscope - a long, thin, flexible tube with a tiny fibre - optic video camera and light at the end-into your rectum and up into your colon. After the colonoscope reaches the far end of the colon, as it is slowly withdrawn, your doctor will carefully examining your colon lining.

Tissue removal and treatments to stop bleeding do not usually cause pain.

Quite often a colonoscopy provided the means for accurate diagnosis and treatment of colon abnormalities without the need for a major operation. Bleeding and puncture of the colon are possible but uncommon complications of a colonoscopy.

A colonoscopy usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. You may have mild cramping or the sensation of 'gas' after the procedure, although this is usually over within an hour. You will need to stay at the colonoscopy facility for one to two hours in order for the sedative to wear off, and then have someone else drive you home.

Rarely, some people experience severe abdominal pain, fever, bloody bowel movements, dizziness, or weakness afterward. If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor immediately. It is important to read your discharge instructions carefully; for instance medications such as blood-thinners may need to be stopped for a short time. Normally you will be fully recovered by the next day and you may return to your regular activities.
